Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2nd and 3rd stage of inflammatory response

In the second stage of inflammation the inflammatory exudate is produced, consisting of fluid that escaped from the blood vessels, dead phagocytic cells, and dead tissue cells and products that they release. During this stage the injurious agents is overcome, and the exudate is cleared away by lymphatic drainage.
Major Types of Exudate
Serous- the exudate composition is mainly serous fluid has the consistency of water and clear in color.
Purulent- exudate with the presence or composition of of pus.
Sanguineous- exudate compose of blood, also known as hemorhagic.
This stage involves the repair of injured tissues by regeneration or replacement with fibrous tissue formation. Regeneration is the replacement of destroyed tissue cells by cells that are identical or similar in structure and function. Damaged cells are replaced one by one but also cells are organized so that the architectural pattern and function of the tissue are restored.
When regeneration is not possible, repair occurs by fibrous tissue formation. Damagen tissue are replaced with the connective tissue elements of collagen, blood capillaries, lymphatics and other tissue-bound substances.
In the early stage of this process, the tissue is called granulation tissue appearing pink or red because of the many newly formed capillaries. Later in the process the tissue shrinks and the collagen fibers contract so that a firmer fibrous tissue remains called cicatrix or scar.

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