Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Inflammation- pathophysiology

The occurrence of tissue injury promotes vasodilation(can accommodate more blood) therefore more blood flow to the injure area, this leads to rubor(redness) accompanied by callor(heat). As tissue injury is happening cellular permeability(blood) increases that leads to the exudation of CHON this further attracts more water and this results in edema(tumor) accompanying pain due to the pressure exerted to the nerve endings.

Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
Injury initiates the inflammatory response, but chemical substances released at the site induce the vascular changes. Foremost among these chemicals are histamine and kinins.
Hiatamine is present in many tissues of the body but is concentrated in the mast cells. It is release when injury occurs and responsible for the early changes in vasodilation and vascular permeability.
Kinins increase vasodilation and vascular permeability and they also attract neutrophils to the area.
Prostaglandins, another group of chemical substances. are also suspected of causing increased permeability.

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