Some of the disorders associated with inflammation include:
1. Acne Vulgaris. A common human skin disease characterized by areas of skin with multiple non-inflammatory follicular papulesAcne lesions is commonly referred to as pimples. The face and upper neck are the areas which are commonly affected.
- Family/ genetic history
- hormonal activity
- stress
- hyperactive sebaceous gland
- bacteria in the pores
- inflammation
2.Asthma. It is a chronic inflammatory disease of thje airways that causes airway hyperresponsiveness, mucosal edema and mucus production. It is the most common chronic disease of the childhood and can occur at any age.
3. Autoimmune Disease. arise from an overactive immune response of the body againts foreign substances and tissues normally present in the body. The immune system mistakes some part of the body as pathogen and attack it. The tx with autoimmune disease is usually immunosuppression-medication which dereases immune response.
4. Rheumatoid arthritis. a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attack the joints producing inflammatory sinoviatis that often progresses to destruction of the articular cartilageand ankylosis of the joints.
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